Our monthly subscription boxes of books are a great gift and out goal is to get children reading and to cultivate a love for reading books. We want to make it as convenient as possible to get titles kids will love into their hands. Here are some of many reasons why our book subscription packages Continue reading
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Reading Aloud: Why You Shouldn’t Stop Until your Child is Twelve
When our children are little we spend a lot of time coming up with activities to keep them busy: open air long strolls, parks and playgrounds, play dates, story times, etc. But as they grow life takes over and some of these fade away, some get replaced by soccer practice or baseball or both. As Continue reading
4 Creative Reasons People are Signing Up!
We are constantly amazed at people’s creativity! Our subscribers are parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends. Some are looking to build a library for the children in their lives, other’s are looking to expose their children to new reading materials, and even more are trying to form a routine of reading with the kids. Recently, Continue reading
This is What We Do
There are days in the office when you can feel that the excitement of everybody involved is through the roof. Today is one of those days and we thought that we should, from time to time, share that excitement with our readers and followers and try to involve all of you in this, since you Continue reading
Reading Easy Books: The Transition from Picture Books to Chapter Books
The ages between 6 and 8 are generally considered the transition age in the reading world. The child will jump from picture books to books that are easy to read. Easy Readers have a combination of illustration and text – usually the font is larger than longer chapter books for kids. The stories have chapters Continue reading
10 Classics We Like to Include in Our Boxes
There are childhood stories that live wildly in our imagination even now! We are always on the lookout for classic books that we can include in our boxes so that you can enjoy introducing your favorite stories and characters to your children. Here are a selection of a few titles that we have and continue Continue reading
5 Things that Set Little Fun Club Apart!
We work really hard to make your experience with us be as unique as possible. We will go above and beyond to take care of our subscribers because we are dedicated to creating readers of children! Here are 5 ways we stand out!
Anthropomorphism in Children’s Literature
With the success of films like Finding Nemo, Zootopia, The Secret Lives of Pets, it’s obvious that children respond positively to stories that involve animals in human settings and roles. Several well-known children’s stories (Aesop’s Fables, Charlotte’s Web, Alice in Wonderland, etc), use this device to provide a narrative that teaches important lessons and leaves room Continue reading
Harry Potter and the Gift of the Series
On July 31st, amidst much excitement, J.K. Rowling published Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. This would be the 8th installment in the series of books about the title character and his friends. This time, it’s not even a novel. It is a script for a stage play that has been running in London!This highlights Continue reading
10 Books for Bedtime in our Boxes
Let’s be real – getting kids to go to sleep can be a nightmare sometimes! Creating a ritual of reading a story or a familiar bedtime book can make the whole ordeal more than pleasant. It could become something both you and your child look forward to. Of course, you can read any book or story at bedtime Continue reading