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Author Archives: Little Fun Club Team
BOOK OF THE MONTH – July 2021 – That Book Woman
That Book Woman brought to life by Heather Henson & David Small Ever heard of the Pack Horse Librarians in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky? These travelling ladies dubbed “Book Women” braved rough terrain on horseback in good weather and bad to bring books to remote areas. How inspiring! That’s the scene we enter.
BOOK OF THE MONTH – February 2021 – Curls
Curls brought to life by Ruth Forman and Geneva Bowers How very important it is for girls and boys alike to see themselves in the books they see at a young age. Additionally, when they are celebrated for who they are, it packs a heavy punch toward their positive self-image!
BOOK OF THE MONTH – May 2021 – Tell The Time by Igloo Books
Tell The Time brought to life by Igloo Books No better way to learn counting and reading time than by touch and feel! This book is fitted with a colorful clock with moveable hands to play and learn with.
BOOK OF THE MONTH – April 2021: Dragon in Your Book
Dragon in Your Book brought to life by Tom Fletcher and Greg Abbott Read-aloud, interactive books are essential for toddlers as they are developing language and movement. This book engages kids’ imagination alongside stamping, blowing, and flapping to save their book from an entirely unexpected fire!
BOOK OF THE MONTH – March 2021: Chinese Emperor’s New Clothes
Chinese Emperor’s New Clothes brought to life by Ying Chang Compestine and David Roberts Here’s a clever retelling of the classic story! Author Ying Chang Compestine adds her own twist to Hans Christian Anderson’s The Emperor’s New Clothes. David Roberts’ watercolor, pen, and ink illustrations
Book of the Month – June 2021: Chapter Two is Missing!
No! The pages haven’t gone missing – it’s the entire chapter! And the narrator needs help to find it. Luckily, he has you – the reader – to help him on the case!
BOOK OF THE MONTH – January 2021: Puma Dreams
Puma Dreams brought to life by Tony Johnston and Jim LaMarche Right from the cover itself, it’s difficult to look away from Jim LaMarche’s panoramic, almost ethereal paintings for this book. It brings our heroine, the landscape, and her dream within arms reach using a combination of acrylics, pencils, and ink.
Totally in love with our new set of books from @littlefunclub 🥰 We absolutely love this exploring new stories and going on new adventures. Reading to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. 📖 Check Continue reading
A Big Bear Hug to All of You in These Unusual And Worrisome Times
This is an unusual and worrisome time for a lot of parents, including us at Little Fun Club. As parents, we have moments of getting to escape the realities of the world by magically disappearing into the story of a good book with our kids. And though we have plenty to choose from, it doesn’t Continue reading