It’s OK to change your mind and you can cancel at any time. We will process your cancellation and you will receive a cancellation confirmation email.
If there is a refund due, your cancellation confirmation email will have the refund transaction ID and the amount refunded back to the card you used at sign up. Since the prepaid subscription has not been completed, the boxes sent are now assessed at the month-to-month rate, which affects the refund amount. Also, please note that there is a restocking fee of $9 per unsent box to offset purchase and restocking to inventory. Bank fees charged by our payment processor are non-refundable.
Here is a sample calculation:
1. If you signed up for a six month, two book prepaid account at $18.95/box + $5/box s&h your total = $143.70
2. If you cancel after receiving three boxes, the rate for three sent boxes will change to the month-to-month box rate of ($22.95/box + $5 s&h) x 3 = $83.85
3. The restocking fee for 3 unsent boxes is $9/box x 3 boxes = $27
4. Non-refundable bank fees = $3.20
Your refund total then is: $143.70 - ($83.85 + $27 + $3.20) = $29.65. Your cancellation confirmation email will have the transaction ID as well as the total refunded to your card.