We were at the Book Expo in Chicago about a month ago and among a lot of the things that we realized while roaming around the halls of McCormick Place filled with a lot of exciting books, authors, writers, illustrators, was that we don’t fit in the box of the book industry. We’re neither a Continue reading
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Book Subscription For Kids – The Value of a Good Book
We have been on this amazing journey for some time now and what started as a simple idea of book subscription for kids is now a home for inspiration, tons of passion for books and amazing content, and a team of bright people who believe in the simple mission of helping families to raise kids Continue reading
Little Fun Club at BEA 2016 – The Largest Publishing Event in North America
When we were starting Little Fun Club, we had a very simple idea and a belief that a child who receives a box of books regularly will get accustomed to books and reading.
Our New Home
Three years ago we started the Little Fun Club on a personally held belief that a child who reads or is being read to regularly will have much success in life and that it is every parent’s responsibility to expose their children to as many books as possible. With this in mind, we had an Continue reading
5 Creative Ways to Engage Your Child During Reading Time
1) Book Cover – When you sit down a new book, try figuring out the story the front cover. If there are featured characters or some sort of motion happening, ask your child questions. This allows him/her to exercise imagination and come up with original ideas. It doesn’t matter if it matches the actual story Continue reading
Classic Packages to Your Doorstep
When you watch classic films or look at vintage illustrations, people are always walking about with brown paper packages carefully wrapped with twine or ribbon. There is something so choice, so inviting, about receiving a package like that!
Broaden horizons by reading to your young child!
Every parent wishes for a well-rounded and intelligent child who has every advantage that they did not have themselves. One key part of helping your child to excel, is to give them a firmly solid vision and understanding of the world in which they live.
A Powerful Solution That Can Help Your Child to Succeed
One of the best and most powerful solutions that can help any child to succeed in happily relating to and interacting with other kids and the surrounding world can be found on the nearest bookshelf.
The key to literacy? How about a bedtime story?
It’s an age-old tradition that goes back many, many years. The bedtime story. Once hailed as a precious and protected time when parents could connect with their kids in an intimate and sacred way over fantastical stories, the bedtime story is now actually in danger of extinction! With the advent of the digital phone, and Continue reading
What Book is Best? An E-Book or Paper Book?
We cannot escape technology these days. Screens are everywhere–on our mobile phones, computers, tablets, watches, billboards, televisions–sometimes even lodged into the back of our car’s headrest. And young children are the most susceptible to these electrical lures–they are bright, shiny, colorful, and make sounds–who wouldn’t want to get their hands on these screens. But what Continue reading