Everyone knows that reading is a tremendously good thing for your child. Just like having them eat their carrots and get a good nights sleep, reading is one of those things that we as parents are told to have our children do. And most of us know that a good book can expand their imagination Continue reading
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Reading Books to Your Child Creates Opportunities to Succeed
The more time you spend reading books to your child, the more storybook time you provide early on, the more they will get accustomed to the joy of reading. On December 31st, the world joins together in a climactic countdown to the New Year. People are excited by the prospects and opportunities to start anew Continue reading
Toys in a Bookstore
Once in a while we try to take our children to a bookstore. We love bookstores. We love what they stand for, we relish the smell of books, and we enjoy the atmosphere that always seems to leave this positive vibe with us throughout the weekend. We don’t visit our bookstores nearly enough, which is Continue reading
Opportunities to Read
Recent numbers have shown that fewer teens and young adults are reading recreationally. It seems as though the value of a good book has been forgotten by an entire generation. Campaigns and articles have been made up to try and combat this downward trend. Promoting reading to your children is an on going process and Continue reading
The Perfect Book
At Little Fun Club we read a lot of children’s books. Not only do we read books to our own children every day, we read each book sent to our subscribers so we can compile a box that is as perfect as can be. Deliveries are a very exciting time at Little Fun Club. Every Continue reading
Content and Art in a Box
From brushing their teeth to making their beds, as parents we wish to promote healthy habits for our children. We also want to promote healthy learning habits as soon as possible so that our children will become productive and well rounded adults. A Boy Called Dickens by Deborah Hopkinson is a wonderful way to include Continue reading
Reading to Infants
Interest in infant linguistics has shown a recent spike since our first blog post, and new mommies should be aware of the recent research. From television to radio and from biology to psychology, everyone is talking about the importance of speaking to your newborn. As parents, you wish to provide your child with the best Continue reading
Quality Content
In the world of iPads, smart phones, YouTube, and Minecraft how do you keep your child interested in quality content? How do you avoid exposing him or her to mind numbing stuff? How do you balance the daily intake of technology? What can you do to ensure they are not watching a toy review or Continue reading
Promoting Creativity in a World of Standards
Education is the one of the most important steps of development. However, it seems strange that such weight and pressure is pressed into just one form of growth. Creativity is just as critical as a formal education.
Children Who Read
As parents, we work hard to raise happy and successful children. However, there is no handbook to tell us how this can be achieved. There never was. Over ages society came up with different tools that can help us to achieve the goal of raising accomplished adults. In our opinion books are the perfect examples Continue reading