Thank you for your excellent service, we love opening the boxes every month and love your book choices.
Author Archives: Little Fun Club Staff
A Powerful Solution That Can Help Your Child to Succeed
One of the best and most powerful solutions that can help any child to succeed in happily relating to and interacting with other kids and the surrounding world can be found on the nearest bookshelf.

Haley D.
We have been getting our Little Fun Club boxes for about a year now..and we LOVE THEM! My two year old anxiously awaits his box every month! He loves getting his new books 🙂
The key to literacy? How about a bedtime story?
It’s an age-old tradition that goes back many, many years. The bedtime story. Once hailed as a precious and protected time when parents could connect with their kids in an intimate and sacred way over fantastical stories, the bedtime story is now actually in danger of extinction! With the advent of the digital phone, and Continue reading

Kristy O.
I just got the first box for my 2 year old daughter a few weeks ago. She loves it! They are the only three books she wants to read at bed time every night.
What Book is Best? An E-Book or Paper Book?
We cannot escape technology these days. Screens are everywhere–on our mobile phones, computers, tablets, watches, billboards, televisions–sometimes even lodged into the back of our car’s headrest. And young children are the most susceptible to these electrical lures–they are bright, shiny, colorful, and make sounds–who wouldn’t want to get their hands on these screens. But what Continue reading
How early reading builds resilient and successful adults
For most of us, the early stages of childhood are far in our past and are now a distant memory. We have gone through various trials and tribulations to reach the successes that we have found in life, and we take great care to keep the more taxing elements of adulthood strivings away from the Continue reading
Choosing the Right Kinds of Books For Your Baby
You are new to motherhood and you want to give your baby the very best start in life. And one day early on, in the time between naps and scheduled feedings, you realize (perhaps with dread) that you should read to your baby. You may have heard about the importance of reading to even the Continue reading

Dawn Z.
Your program is FABULOUS and we are enjoying this so much. I am very impressed with your choices and the child and her mother are enjoying this service every month!
How to give the best support to your early reader!
Many informed parents have embraced the endless list of virtues that come from reading aloud to infants and to children. Studies show a marked increase in mental cognition and communication skills. Findings even reflect a strongly augmented vocabulary capacity in adults who were read to as children. But part of the process requires the traversing Continue reading