Should I purchase a subscription if my child is less than a year old?


Yes! Looking for a unique and meaningful baby shower gift? A subscription to our book box is a thoughtful way to help parents start their little one’s library early! It’s also a fantastic gift from grandparents living far away. After all, it’s never too early to spark a love for books!


For babies under one year old, reading out loud is one of the best ways to nurture their growing brain. Their world is expanding rapidly, and hearing your voice—whether you’re talking, singing, or reading—helps build essential language skills. Sharing a story not only entertains but also gives your newborn the comfort of your favorite sound: you.


Snuggle them close, read together, and create moments of love and learning. These precious early experiences can lay the foundation for a lifelong joy of reading. Why not start that journey today?

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Can’t Decide Which Books to Choose for Your Child?

Let our friendly staff hand-select books based on your child’s age and preferences. Join our subscription service, and we’ll send 2-3 books to your door once a month.

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