Classic Packages to Your Doorstep​

When you watch classic films or look at vintage illustrations, people are always walking about with brown paper packages carefully wrapped with twine or ribbon. There is something so choice, so inviting, about receiving a package like that!

So, of course, that’s how we choose to wrap our packages!

Our books are wrapped in brown paper and fastened with colorful ribbons as an homage to classic days. They are then fitting into our boxes to be shipped. Can you tell we love books here?IMG_1852

To personalize our packages even further, we include birthday greetings and personal notes from the sender! When you go to a florist to send some thoughtful blooms to someone you love, you have the option to write a personal note. The words make the delivery even more meaningful! At Little Fun Club, we care about our readers, so we take the extra time to hand-write personal notes from the sender and birthday greetings. Just another way that we make our packages creative and charming!

Since we started out, we have gone through a couple of different ways to package our books, but so far, this is our absolute favorite! We hope you are enjoying it as much as we do!

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Can’t Decide Which Books to Choose for Your Child?

Let our friendly staff hand-select books based on your child’s age and preferences. Join our subscription service, and we’ll send 2-3 books to your door once a month.

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