Cancel Anytime Policy: Why Our Book Club Subscribers Cancel their Subscription

In our effort to ensure that, as a customer, you feel confident and satisfied in choosing us, we decided to share the feedback we receive from people who have made the choice before you! Over the years, we have come to realize that there is a very similar characteristic in the reasons why subscribers have decided to cancel or end their subscriptions.

As you read these messages, keep in mind our goal is to get children to fall in love with reading and to support parents in raising a reader. Rereading these ourselves encourages us that we are hitting our goal!

We hope that by reading these messages, you will feel better informed and more confident in your own decision-making process! You will get a sense of the reasons why other customers have chosen to cancel their subscription, as well as the level of satisfaction they experienced while using our service!
We are here to help. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to drop us a note at: [email protected]. Thank you for considering Little Fun Club!

Parents requested fewer books. I am not the only grandparent giving books.

I love Little Fun Club. Just need to save some money. I hope to rejoin. I really loved the books and I think the website design is super fun with the book characters, etc.

As my granddaughter has gotten older the books have grown with her, however she likes going to the library and the bookstore now and asked me to stop the subscription. Thank you for helping us to get her into reading.

Your service is fantastic and we loved each and every book. The only reason I am canceling is that I am cutting down on all expenses!!! Thanks so much!!!!!

The kids have developed their own tastes and enjoy picking out their own books at the store now. They’ve thoroughly enjoyed receiving the monthly box of books for the past 6 years. Thank you so much!

I was using this as a teaching aide, they will be going back to school Aug 17th and will have access to the school library. If our school shuts down due to covid-19 I will re-activate my subscription and during the summers. We were super impressed with the books that we received!

We were not happy with the contents of the box.

The Fun Club is/was wonderful. The reason I am canceling is that the mother of my grandchildren is now the librarian at their school. The kids are in the library and reading on their kindle.

We thought the Little Fun Club was great. But now we feel like it’s run it’s course. We were happy with your service!

We are moving and so will not need more books. Love the books we have received. Thank you.

Press Here Herve Tullet

This was a Christmas gift. All our grandchildren enjoyed this , we kept it going for two years now and we will be doing again in a few years. Thank you for this great product it was perfect!

My Granddaughter has loved her subscription and looked forward to receiving her books each month, but they are in the midst of moving and don’t have a new permanent address yet, so they asked me to cancel for the time being. Definitely nothing to do with the service. The quality of your product is excellent. See you in the future!

Great books. Just taking a break.

You’ve done a wonderful job and been a blessing to our family! The children’s parents will now help them to buy books for themselves, using their birthday money. Thank you so much.

We have a ton of wonderful books now from having your service for many years. We are moving on to a new interests. Thank you.

They enjoy the books and now have a good supply to go for awhile without new ones. I hope to start it back up next year.

My grandson has hundreds of books. Thanks to your service he read HUNDREDS of books. Thank you. His parents told me to cancel the service for now.

We have to cut back on finances 🙁

We have so many books and live in a small apartment. In addition, we kept a ton of our favorite childhood books. But this has been a great fun service. Thank you.

Parents requested fewer books. I am not the only grandparent giving books.

Our son is on to other things right now and loves going to the book store to get his books. We have enjoyed the books you have sent but need to move on to other things. Thanks.

Herman's Holiday

Running into financial hardship, we have adored receiving your packages every month and will greatly miss them. Perhaps we can begin our subscription again soon! Thank you so much!

I’m on a budget now and took a huge pay cut. My nieces have enjoyed their books very much. I’ll see if things change next year. Thank you for all your care.

I was very happy for the months of delivery of the books to my granddaughter who loved the subscription service. However, she is being taken to the library by her parents and has the school library. It is my hope that I continue with my other granddaughter when she becomes older to appreciate the books.
Thank you and I will definitely be a continuing customer in the future!

Sadly, my brother did not appreciate this gift for his daughter.

Using the library more and cannot keep up. It’s been a great service! We have enjoyed your books for the past four years. Thank you!

Our grandson will be joining book clubs now in Kindergarten! All 186 books he received will now be shared with his little brother who just turned 1. Absolutely fabulous books, and we were so incredibly happy with your company. We are proud grandparents, and we thank you. You have shared a tremendous gift to our grandchildren. Thank you!!

I’m sure I’ll be back, we already subscribe for other grandkids. Your boxes are great.
This one needs special attention for a reluctant reader.
Need to let the parents work on this for a while.

This is a lovely subscription, our child has moved on to other interests for now. That is not to say we will not be back in the future. Thank you for what you do. 🤗

This was a birthday present for my nephews last year. Now that we’ve done it for 12 months I will be stopping. They absolutely loved it!

What Do You Do With an Idea

Her taste in books has changed, we were very happy with your services for several years.

We have too many books and would like to take a break.

I planned to subsribe for one year. The books are GREAT! I have used you before and I will again. Great product and Great customer service! Thanks!

We enjoyed the books. He is in school now and goes to the library. No longer needed. We are going to get swim lessons instead. Thanks!

This was a great service, and we appreciate the stories it exposed our children to. We’ve just decided to be more selective, as well as by books a little less frequently.

She is getting older and wanted to stop the books.

Colors John J Reiss

We have participated many years now and have enough books thanks!

This Book Just Ate My Dog!

I did this as a birthday gift for my niece. They have lots of books and I’m doing something different this year. Her mom said she always loved the books each month and they’d often hold the box back till they needed a distraction. My niece would get so excited when she saw the box and she knew that there were new books in it. She’d sit for an hour or more and just read her new books! Thank you.

These books have been wonderful. They were a gift for a granddaughter that has not lived close by. They are now moving close to us, so I will do other activities with her. I know she has enjoyed the books. Thank you.

Tap the Magic Tree

Financial concerns. So glad I was able to do this for my grandaughter. Perhaps I’ll be back if money improves.

She has a lot of books as well as yours, and I am giving her a different kind of subscription this year. She has enjoyed all of the books you sent.

My granddaughter is reading chapter books right now. She loves going to the Library. She loved all your books. In the future I will use you again. You guys are great! Thank you for sending exciting books. I will spread the words to others about this book club. Thank you!

My child currently wants to switch to science kits from books. But we LOVE this company and will be back again!

Money is tight due to just having a baby thank you for a wonderful 2 years of subscription. I’ll come back when my budget allows!

Our daughter was loving the books. She has a bit of anxiety and now she is at a new school she feels it’s competing with her school work and wanted to stop. I can’t thank you enough. Your books have been a wonderful experience.

My three grandchildren have aged out of the selections. Thank you so much for all your fantastic books that we have been receiving for the past eight years!

Your books have been wonderful and none of our grandchildren have any complaints…except that now that they’re reading well on their own, they want to pick out their own books! We have greatly enjoyed the Little Fun Book Club and would highly recommend it to everyone. It served a vital purpose right at the time when our grands were just getting started with reading on their own. Thank you for all your service and attention to detail.