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Extra! Extra! Fairy-Tale News for Hidden Forest by Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon

Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $8.99.

Extra! Extra! Fairy-Tale News for Hidden Forest by Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon Written is laid out in newspaper format and tells the forest stories!

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Alma Flor Ada, Pro­fes­sor Emerita at the Uni­ver­sity of San Fran­cisco, has devoted her life to advo­cacy for peace by pro­mot­ing a ped­a­gogy ori­ented to per­sonal real­iza­tion and social jus­tice. A for­mer Rad­cliffe Scholar at Har­vard Uni­ver­sity and Ful­bright Research Scholar she is an inter­na­tion­ally re-known speaker and the author of numer­ous children’s books of poetry, nar­ra­tive, folk­lore and non fic­tion. Her books have received pres­ti­gious awards;