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by Eleanor Glewwe (Author)

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A captivating fantasy about the bond between twins, and the power of children to stand up for what’s right.

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Rivka is one of the magical elite and the daughter of an important ambassador. But she harbors a deep secret: She once had a twin brother, Arik. When Arik failed to develop his own magical abilities, the government declared him a wilding, removed him from his home, placed him with non-magical adoptive parents, and forbade him any contact with his birth family. Now it is as if he never existed at all.

But Rivka refuses to forget her twin brother. Even though she knows she could lose everything—her father, her friends, even her freedom—she sets out to find Arik. She has nothing to go on except her still-new magical powers and her love for her brother. Can that possibly be enough to bring them together again, when all of society believes they belong apart?

Eleanor Glewwe was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Maryland and Minnesota, with a brief interlude in Paris. Her parents sent her to French immersion school in kindergarten, and she began studying Mandarin in high school. At various points in her life, she has also attempted to teach herself Cantonese, German, Spanish, Hindi, Ancient Greek, and Turkish. She plays the cello and used to host music parties for her friends, arranging Renaissance dances and Baroque concerti grossi for unorthodox instrumentation. She attended Swarthmore College, where she majored in Linguistics and Languages and worked in the music library. After graduating, she spent a year at an interfaith advocacy organization, working for social justice at the Minnesota legislature. In addition to being a writer, Eleanor is a folk dancer and a Sacred Harp singer. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where she is a graduate student in linguistics. Her debut novel SPARKERS, a middle grade fantasy, was published by Viking in 2014, and its companion WILDINGS came out in November 2016.